Monday, October 25, 2010

56 and 1/2 years young!

Remember when we were kids and we told everyone we were (age) and 1/2 ???? I think that lasted until we were 13 - then we started telling everyone we were OLDER than we really were - trying to get older quicker. It took for- EVER for summer vacation to arrive then even longer for Christmas to come around. Then I reached 21 and stopped telling folks I was 'almost'.... something just the year no one halves or three quarters or all mosts! Now that I am past 55, I think it is time to start adding in the 1/4, 1/2 and almost to my age.

I have a great aunt who just turned 100, she tells me that 100 is the official age for OLD - good to know!


  1. So you have just entered "middle aged". Well done.
    Oddly, I've been nearly 50 for the last 4 years. I had to do the math.
    But wouldn't you know be 56 and 3/4?

  2. I am now 57 and 3/4 almost 58!
