Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sometimes Life Throws you a Curve Ball!

Every so often life can throw you a curve ball.  I have been retired for just 6 years now; and have become involved in a number of local non-profit community organizations.  In May I had the opportunity to take my first ride in an ambulance and spend 6 days in ICU.

Car Crash?  Nope.  Food poisoning?  Nope.  Heath exhaustion?  (that is what I thought - living in AZ).  Heart Attack?  Nope  Stroke?  Nope..... well what??????  Acute bi-lateral pulmonary embolisms.  Holy Crap you say what is that?   Basically, a blood clot behind my left knee ( they call it DVT or deep vein thrombosis and I don't know how that happened) decided not to dissolve but to travel up and  part of it stayed in both of my lungs.

This has slowed up all of my physical activities!  The good news?  My hubby added housework to his list of things he already did around the house.  LOL

More good news?  I have had more time to spend on my knitting and crochet.  I had added "Creatures for a Cure" and made some octopuses in all the colors of the cancer ribbons to sell for donations at the local Relay For Life here in town.  This extra resting time is allowing me to add other creatures to my list.

I was recently adopted (unofficially) by a couple of families who don't have grandmas here in AZ and I don't have any grandkids so it seemed a good match.  I made a grumpasauras for one of the little ones with a cute pout that seems to work getting what she wants from her family.  This got one of her older brothers to ask if I can make him a "toothless" dragon.  If you  haven't seen the movie How To Train Your Dragon - it is quite fun.  Of course I said  "Yes I Can!" and  then had to find a pattern.  Having found a few dragon patterns all the boys want one or another and so I have enough projects to keep me busy while in recovery.  It seems I am "grounded" until the blood clots in my lungs are gone.  Most of the doctors say it can take 6 months to fully recover and it's only been 2 1/2.  So these projects are fun to make and keep me busy.  I can also make others and add them to my "Creatures for a Cure" for the next Relay in 2016.

This curve has also allowed me to sympathize with elder folk who are no longer allowed to drive and have to  count on friends, family or public transport to get around.  It has helped me to work on patience, as there is nothing I can do to cure my situation.  It has also made me grateful for friends and my husband who have taken care of me during this "time out" in my otherwise active life.

When we have knots in our yarn - or YARN BARF -- we take the time to detangle  and save the yarn.  This is a a bit of a knot in my life but he beautiful creations that are coming out of it are bringing joy to others!

Don't let the Yarn Barf in your life get you down - take the time to detangle - it is worth the effort!